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Our solutions
The Smart Risk Suite
Power-up your advisory process with Smart Risk
Smart Risk is a cloud-based modular solution designed to seamlessly integrate into the advisory journey. The Smart Risk suite consists of a set of modular APIs and web apps, as well as an underlying data connectivity platform to aggregate and consolidate multiple data sources.

- 22-year R&D : Easy to use market-proven expertise
- Next-generation technology : Cloud and API technology to ensure a smooth and interactive user experience
- Modularity : Modular access to white labeled web apps, APIs and data connectors to fully integrate in your existing processes
Smart Risk Decisions
Web application
Empower your advisors with a game changing web app to support the client/advisor relationship and deliver tailored and pro-active investment proposals
Onboard your end-client with an interactive discussion and a “4-hands” investment decision
Beyond optimality, avoid the black-box effect: explainability and transparency are key to a trustful advisor/client relationship
Easy-to-use scenario simulation, impact analysis to understand the impact of investment decisions
Smart Risk Decisions for Insurance
Web application
Equip insurance portfolio managers with a digital solution to support their investment decision in a complex regulatory and accounting environment
Connect to your internal or external Portfolio Management System for a consistent user experience
Rely on internal expertise and data to feed our models and ensure consistency
Run portfolio optimization on a large number of instruments and constraints on SCR, accounting, etc…

Smart Risk APIs
Integrate cutting-edge analytics and robust optimization in your advisory process
Risk and performance portfolio analytics
Robust portfolio optimization combining risk, return, ESG and regulatory constraints
Hypothetical and historical stress-testing
Consistent market scenario generation
Multi-factor portfolio analysis
Factor scan: optimal factor selection based on machine learning and clustering techniques
Regulatory risk: AIFMD, Solvency II (Market SCR), PRIIPS