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Our solutions

The Smart Risk Suite

Power-up your advisory process with Smart Risk

Smart Risk is a cloud-based modular solution designed to seamlessly integrate into the advisory journey. The Smart Risk suite consists of a set of modular APIs and web apps, as well as an underlying data connectivity platform to aggregate and consolidate multiple data sources.

Smart Risk Decisions

Web application

Empower your advisors with a game changing web app to support the client/advisor relationship and deliver tailored and pro-active investment proposals


Onboard your end-client with an interactive discussion and a “4-hands” investment decision


Beyond optimality, avoid the black-box effect: explainability and transparency are key to a trustful advisor/client relationship


Easy-to-use scenario simulation, impact analysis to understand the impact of investment decisions

Smart Risk Decisions for Insurance

Web application

Equip insurance portfolio managers with a digital solution to support their investment decision in a complex regulatory and accounting environment


Connect to your internal or external Portfolio Management System for a consistent user experience


Rely on internal expertise and data to feed our models and ensure consistency


Run portfolio optimization on a large number of instruments and constraints on SCR, accounting, etc…

Smart Risk APIs

Integrate cutting-edge analytics and robust optimization in your advisory process

Risk and performance portfolio analytics

Robust portfolio optimization combining risk, return, ESG and regulatory constraints


Hypothetical and historical stress-testing

Consistent market scenario generation

Multi-factor portfolio analysis

Factor scan: optimal factor selection based on machine learning and clustering techniques

Regulatory risk: AIFMD, Solvency II (Market SCR), PRIIPS